Yet another package
There are more than 15,000 packages available on CRAN, so there is more than enough to cover most analytical needs. There are many great packages available, tesselle is not intended to compete with them or replace them.
The tesselle project was born out of a gradual change in research practices within our laboratory with three key objectives:
- Build a unified data workflow to facilitate teamwork;
- Move away from proprietary environments;
- Move towards more transparent and open archaeological research.
The project has reached a stable state and is being actively developed, with transparency and reliability in mind:
- All packages are distributed under GNU General Public License: you have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve them.
- All pacakges are publicly maintained, with source code accessible and versioned.
- All packages undergo rigorous testing and code coverage.
- Dependencies are kept to a bare minimum.
You can follow the next steps of the project on GitHub and fell free to contribute.
The tessel project is maintained by Nicolas Frerebeau.
Brice Lebrun designed the project and package logos.
Contributors to the project include (list by name): Vincent Arel-Bundock, Jean-Baptiste Fourvel, Brice Lebrun, Ben Marwick, Matthew Peeples, Anne Philippe, Joe Roe.
Institutional support
This project is supported by:
Archéosciences Bordeaux
UMR 6034Maison de l’Archéologie
Université Bordeaux Montaigne
F-33607 Pessac cedex
Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes pour l’Art Préhistorique
MSHS-Toulouse (UAR 3414)Maison de la Recherche
Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès
F-31058 Toulouse cedex 9